Live-In Treatment
Live-In Treatment is an intensive service that provides 24-hour care and support to youth residing within program. While in the program, youth engage in individual and family therapy as well as group treatment that addresses the mental health needs of the individual and their family.
Chimo has 2 Live-In Treatment programs. Each program serves 8 youth, one for males and one for females from the ages of 12-18. Youth who have been identified as requiring Live In treatment, generally require more support than the less intrusive treatment options available in the community. In addition, Live In treatment services are necessary given the complex and severe nature of the difficulties experienced by the youth in need. These difficulties may include, but are not limited to:
Exceptional psychological, behavioural, social and emotional needs.
Significant mental health problems or diagnosed disorders.
On-going struggles to manage emotions that can lead to high risk behaviours
Service Location
The two Live-In Treatment programs are located approximately an hour north of Lindsay, in Minden Hills, ON.
Commitment is essential for success. Live-In Treatment requires full commitment from both the youth and their family to participate in the various treatment meetings and therapy sessions that make up this intensive service.
Referral Process
Live-In Treatment programs accept referrals from the following areas: City of Kawartha Lakes; Peterborough, Northumberland and Haliburton Counties; and Durham Region.
Residents from Durham Region contact Central Intake at 1-888-454-6275.
For all other areas, contact Chimo directly at 705-324-3300 and press 4 to make a referral for Live-In Treatment services.